Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome to GRA 217.1

On behalf of Professor Taylor and myself, welcome to the class blog for Graphics 217.1, Introduction to the Graphic Arts.

This space is here for you. Yes, we're forcing you to post your projects, thought pieces and comments here for a grade, but we hope that you'll see that this space is more than that - it's a place for an open discussion of ideas, concepts and critiques.

We'll elaborate more in class about what and when you should be posting on here, but feel free to post more than you are required. Find an interesting article or video on design in your favorite blog? Share it with your classmates. If you see something around town, take a picture and blog about it. If you're struggling with a project, post what you've got here and get some feedback from your peers.

I won't set too many ground rules, but just remember that this blog is public. Keep it civil, relevant and professional.

With that, I'll get the ball rolling with a video that will get you thinking about type a bit:

Enjoy this semester, and let's get started!

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