Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Interface Design

My interface design was for the 25th Anniversary celebration/fundraising drive of Vive La Casa, a refugee shelter in Buffalo. The pages are an irregular shape to represent the idea of a scrolling page... only the burgundy box would scroll. My fonts are Garamond and Verdana, and the vast majority of the images were taken from a Buffalo News soundslide about the shelter.

These are just the first three pages, as the last two are apparently "corrupted"... but they're pretty similar, and in the same format.


Lauren Joffe said...

I really like your design. The motif of the page definitely is reflected in the subject of the event. I like the color pallet especially. It is very rich and sophisticated, just as your target audience are likely to be. GREAT JOB

Kuan Luo said...

Caitlin, I love it! That looks so professional and so cool!

Wasim Ahmad said...

I agree. This is a very impressive site.