Friday, December 5, 2008

Wrap Up Post

I'd heard that graphics was a ridiculously time-consuming and barely possible course, so at the end of the semester, I'm glad to report that neither rumor was true. I really enjoyed GRA 217 and learned a lot of valuable skills. I'm sure knowing the Adobe programs will be useful in the future, as will everything we learned about layout, gestalt principles, etc. It's certainly changed the way I look at print and online media, which as a mag major, is obviously really important. In fact, after taking this course, I am actually interested in learning more about design and taking some more graphics classes in the future. ALTHOUGH, I don't know if I can handle another semester of mandatory blogging (...just kidding, Wasim).

So, in sum, I learned a lot and really enjoyed the creative aspects of the class. Thanks for a great semester!

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