Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mag Design: STOMP

I created a sneaker magazine for people around all ages of all genders and races. It is meant to be fun and energetic. The article I chose is about Nike, and I called the article "Welcome to planet Nike." I decided to make a spacey, inter-galactic theme for my first spread. I created a photo illustration with two different photos. The second spread is more classical. There is a side bar with Nike News that has the latest, most up-to-date information about Nike as a company. I used sans serif type to create contrast with the serif (Caslon) used in the body text.  To make the side bar more readable, I used the Nike swoosh as a bullet point. 

The pictures are in backwards order, so start from the bottom (the cover of the magazine STOMP) and work your way up to see how the real layout looked). 
Hope you like it!

1 comment:

Kuan Luo said...

I know I should have asked for it in class, then I shouldn't go up to show my sneaker mag to class! I LOVE the headline and the deckhead spread! totoally funky! love it!