Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Poster Project

For my poster project i decided to us an event held at my high school called cabaret night.  I wanted to make a poster that would really grab the viewers attention and because dancing as well as talent in general are involved in the show, I thought a close up of the sole of the foot would be an interesting concept.  I chose the type face of britannic bold on the sole of the foot because I wanted something that would stand out and then for the paragraph in the bottom left corner I chose marker felt because I think that it too stands out but is also fun. I used someone performing karate because thinking back to when I was in high school and apart of the audience, I clearly remember one of the students performing their karate routine, and I thought that would be a perfect way to incorporate the sole of the foot because I could have the person kicking.  I used a picture I found of someone kicking and used the live trace tool on Adobe Illustrator, followed by changing the colors and shape of the foot.  I also tried to blur the other parts of the body so that the sole of the foot was really what stood out.

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